Monday, May 3, 2010

UFO's are real - Damn Real - Part 8

UFO in Naples? Residents describe seeing mysterious light 

Ann Hall didn’t think much of the strange light hovering above the water about five houses down from her Isles of Capri home in Naples.
Hall, 70, describes the light as not being a perfect ball, but being a bit “squished” on the top and the bottom, “It just hovered, but it didn’t move,” Hall said. “We just wondered what it was.”
And she's not the only one who has observed the strange light.
Reported sightings of strange lights on Isles of Capri or off its coast now number at least 11, reports the Naples Daily News.
Now Morgan Beall, an investigator with Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network, a group that has investigators across the country, is looking into the mystery light.
Beall said he believes the light caught by the camera, which was facing west, could be the moon setting.
But Hall thinks differently.
“There’s no way the moon was going down on the water at 10:22 p.m.,” Hall said.
Photo: Isles of Capri Fire Rescue Chief Emilio Rodriguez discovered pictures of the light taken by a weather camera at station 90, according to a report in Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network. Naples Daily News

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